Biode - The Heroes Of Conscious Beauty
It's common nowadays to hear the phrases ‘organic, clean and environmentally friendly', but understanding what that actually means and how that breaks down from ingredients, to packaging, to manufacturing processes is where it really matters. Biode’s ethos is all about channelling nature for its powerful systems by going full circle from start to finish; where a product ends up is just as important as where it begins.
Biode’s packaging is 100% compostable, meaning it is 100% waste-free i.e. it is in no way contributing to the immeasurable levels of waste that, unfortunately, is a massive byproduct of the beauty and skincare industry. Compostable materials go one step further than biodegradable ones. During the composting process, the material breaks down whilst producing a natural substance called humus (not to be confused with your favourite chickpea-based dip). This humus is packed with nutrients including nitrogen, phosphorus and sulfur, basically soil's best friends.
This translates to a product that gives back to the earth as fully as possible. So when you have finished with one of their products, whether a deodorant tube, a cornstarch bag or a soap box, these can go directly into your compost or green bin. Alternatively, tear up the material into small pieces and put it directly into the ground with a potted plant or in your herb garden!