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NOTOX: New Skincare Treatments That Are Rivalling Botox

Short of discovering the eternal fountain of youth, navigating the world of anti-ageing can sometimes feel daunting. However you decide to tackle the inherent side effects of getting older, botox or not, it is worth considering all the options at your disposal and figuring out what is best for you! With many new technologies and techniques that promise to deliver a fresh-faced appearance, there is certainly a lot to take in. Exploring natural treatments and available alternatives can give you the reassurance you need and often deliver longer-lasting and sustainable results.

Acupuncture is the gift that keeps on giving. This form of ancient Chinese Medicine is taking years off people’s faces and can be a relaxing form of self-care that you actually look forward to! Not only can it aid with physical ailments and stress relief, but it is increasingly being used to combat those pesky wrinkles. Cosmetic acupuncture is a far less invasive procedure than injectables or surgery and is very effective in tightening areas of saggy skin and enhancing overall tone. It strengthens the muscles underneath the skin; the fine needles increase blood flow to these tissues, stimulating collagen production for a taut and smooth finish. The insertion of the needles sends signals to your brain to produce more of the proteins in the skin that give it its elasticity, whilst the increase of circulation will help improve your skin’s overall health.

Chemical peels may sound a little scary, but under the proper dermatological care, they can be a fantastic solution to combatting common concerns like fine lines, wrinkles, hyperpigmentation, mild scarring, age spots and signs of sun damage. There are various types of chemical peels, and what you choose will depend on your individual complexion; things to consider are undertone, acne and sensitives. Like anything, starting light is a good idea; this is often referred to as a superficial peel. The mild chemical agents used will gently exfoliate the topmost layer of the skin, called the epidermis. When your new skin grows back, it triggers the production of collagen and elastin, which is what gives you that supple, smooth glow meanwhile reducing the appearance of wrinkles. A medium to deep chemical peel also removes the layer of skin underneath called the dermis. These procedures are designed to address deeper set wrinkles, lines and scars by completely resurfacing your facial skin. The effects of these can last for years and years. With all chemical peels, there are a range of recovery times to bear in mind depending on what your dermatologist suggests is best suited for you.

LED therapy is another non-invasive treatment that is becoming more and more popular. This works by introducing a controlled red light that interacts with the skin cells to stimulate rejuvenation through intensified collagen generation. In turn, the results include reduced wrinkles and fine lines as well as faded scars, tighter pores and improved texture. There are options to do whole-body LED therapy sessions which have been shown to help with other skin concerns like cellulite and stretch marks by thickening your skin with an extra, plump layer of collagen.

If you want to take things into your own hands, a fabulous at-home alternative is mastering the art of Gua Sha, known for its healing and incredible beauty effects. It is a preventative measure for treating signs of ageing and clearing impurities from deep within the skin. The best method is to apply gentle pressure and even strokes against the skin in the direction of your lymphatic flow; this releases any fluid retention that can cause the complexion to look tired and puffy. As well as decreasing facial inflammation, it softens fine lines by helping the body produce more golden collagen to give you a brighter appearance. Gua Shas are also a fantastic sculpting tool when used on the jawline and cheekbones in an upwards motion. It is a soothing practice and a tactile way to show yourself some love; think of it as a daily face massage. Our Tigers Eye Jade Gua Sha is designed to ignite confidence and calm whilst revitalising your skin. We love using it with the Canabella Complex COQ10 Serum, packed with nourishing hemp seed oil and enzymes that encourage cell turnover, elasticity and hydration. Take a minute or two each morning with your gua sha to awaken your senses and give yourself radiant, younger-looking skin.

Exploring natural treatments and available alternatives can give you the reassurance you need and often deliver longer-lasting and sustainable results.