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Regardless of whether you’ve decided to go green to help the environment, to save money, or just see how easy it is, every step you take towards eco-friendly living is one that helps the world.

If you’re just starting out and want some sustainable living ideas then here are a couple to get you started:


Energy conservation is one of the most important things you can do to reduce your carbon footprint. Leaving your electricals on standby needlessly uses up energy – hit the off switch and you could see huge improvements, most noticeably in your energy bills!


Want to go further than simply turning it off? Make sure that the tech you have got is as energy-efficient as possible. This way, you’re using much less energy for the time that the product is on, saving money, and reducing your energy output.


Changing your energy supplier to one that’s 100% renewable is a great eco-friendly tip for any home. Anyone can do it, switching is simple and hassle-free plus all the electricity you use when on a 100% renewable tariff is effectively zero carbon!


Being careful with what you’re consuming is at the heart of being more eco-friendly, and cutting down on the amount of meat you eat can have a huge impact. Not having red meat - even if it’s just for two or three days a week - can have quite a significant impact on reducing your carbon footprint.


Waste not, want not. Did you know that 7.3 million tonnes of food is wasted in the UK every year? This isn’t just a huge waste of food and money, it adds to the amount of CO2 being created in landfills.


If you have let your food go that little bit too far past its ‘best by’ then you need to be sure to compost it rather than putting it in the bin. Not only will this help create a natural fertiliser and keep your garden green, it’ll also reduce the amount of waste going to landfill - and as it won’t break down anaerobically, there will not be a build-up of methane gas.


Chances are that if you’re thinking about taking on a more eco-friendly lifestyle then you’ll already be recycling. But could you improve your recycling-ability (now a word)? You can recycle almost everything, from batteries to paper to cars. Before you throw it away, take a minute to find out if you could recycle it instead.

There is a lot of talk about going green. Thankfully governments, businesses and individuals around the world are beginning to take actions to back up that talk. From opting for alternative energies such as wind, hydro or the solar panels, to switching to lower emission transportation options, from growing their own food to putting reduce, recycle, reuse and even precycle plans into place. If you look at it, making life more environmentally-friendly simply makes sense.

If your day-to-day actions are more environmentally-friendly you not only help the environment, but you can benefit financially, physically and mentally as well. For example, getting rid of toxic chemicals in your home and using natural cleaners will cost less, it will cut down on the number of toxins you are exposing yourself and the environment to and it will have a more positive impact on your indoor air quality. I could go on and on, but instead, let me give you 50 simple ways you can make your day-to-day life more environmentally-friendly:

1 – Grow your own food.

2 – Eat less meat.

3 – Cut down on processed foods.

4 – Don’t eat foods or drink from BPA-lined containers.

5 – Open windows to let in fresh air.

6 – Open blinds to let in natural light.

7 – Fight “vampire power”.

8 – Get energy-efficient appliances and electronics.

9 – Take shorter showers.

10 – Wash clothes using cold water.

11 – Hang clothes on a clothesline to dry.

12 – Use leftover bathwater or “greywater” to water plants.

13 – Turn off lights when not in use.

14 – Turn off water when brushing teeth.

15 – Don’t let water run while washing dishes.

16 – Run the dishwasher or washing machine only when there is a full load.

17 – Use waterless car wash to wash your car or bike.

18 – Take public transportation.

19 – Walk or ride your bike.

20 – Use a proven fuel additive when you do drive.

21 – Combine multiple errands into one trip.

22 – Get rid of chemical cleaners.

23 – Use natural materials to clean.

24 – Make your own natural shampoo.

25 – Make your own natural lotion, skin masks and cleansers.

26 – Get outside every day for some sunlight and fresh air.

27 – Print documents as little as possible.

28 – Recycle bottles, cans, newspapers, etc.

29 – Donate items you no longer need or use.

30 – Use reusable bags at the grocery store.

31 – Use reusable containers at home.

32 – Make meals using leftovers.

33 – Freeze foods before it goes bad.

34 – Reduce your food waste.

35 – Compost.

36 – Plant a tree.

37 – Start or contribute to a community garden.

38 – Landscape your own yard with native plants.

39 – Buy used rather than new.

40 – Set thermostat 1-2 degrees lower.

41 – Get a reusable water bottle (and use it!).

42 – Opt for paperless billing.

43 – Pay your bills electronically.

44 – Do a home energy audit.

45 – Fix any leaky faucets to prevent water waste.

46 – Turn old t-shirts into “new” cleaning rags.

47 – Get rid of one-use items (disposable razors, diapers, plasticware, etc).

48 – Read magazines, newspapers and other publications online.

49 – Unsubscribe or cancel all junk mail.

50 – Unplug at least once a day so that you can enjoy nature and the environment around you.

We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children