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Aries December 2023

Read more about your personalised star sign as written by our resident astrologist, Patsy Bennet.

Patsy shares her insights into the month ahead so you can prepare for the best!

You’ll be drawn to invest time and energy into your favourite people and past-times and travel, overseas and distant projects will appeal. You are ready to commit to a particular venture early in the month and will do well to make arrangements before the 13th to avoid having to review circumstances afterwards. Financially, consider putting in place a spending limit this festive season and setting aside lump sums for expenses and outlays in 2024.

The The Fat And The Moon Sage & Rose Face Mist The sage extract in this mist acts as a clarifying agent, helping Aries stay focused and decisive amidst the December holiday hustle and bustle.


You’ll be drawn to invest time and energy into your favourite people and past-times and travel, overseas and distant projects will appeal.