Cancer April 2024
Patsy shares her insights into the month ahead so you can prepare for the best!
Your home life, family and property are important to you, and the solar eclipse on the 9th will bring change within these areas. You may find that these arise as a result of a change in your status, direction or even career. Consider who – and what – has most priority and focus on your values. An adventure such as a trip, study, a visit or spiritual project will appeal. If you need advice, ensure you obtain it from an expert. You may find your expertise is in demand as well.
The Indie Rose Rituals Radiant Oil can help Cancers, used for its rejuvenating benefits, whilst promoting toxin elimination, stress reduction and can help relieve tension. Use the oil and supplied affirmation for direct communication to your pineal gland and third eye centre when tapping into the focus of your values this month.