Sagittarius November 2022
Your November star guide
This is a transformative month as you leave a chapter behind and prepare to embrace another. You may even be a little emotional as a routine you’re accustomed to changes.
A reunion, return to an old haunt or a connection at work may be bitter-sweet.
Early November is a good time to consider exactly what you want both in your personal and your daily life. By mid-month, you’ll gain a sense of adventure as you rediscover your mojo. However, you must be careful with domestic decisions.
You can still get emotional with waterproof mascara from Ere Perez. This Avocado Waterproof Mascara uses mamey and avocado oils, and works to stimulate growth while regenerating and strengthening lashes. It's waterproof and smudge-proof with a full black coverage and amazing 24-hour wear.Perfect for day or night to suit your busy lifestyle. Made with the highest quality natural ingredients and friendly to sensitive eyes.