Scorpio September 2024
Read more about your personalised star sign as written by our resident astrologist, Patsy Bennet.
Patsy shares her insights into the month ahead so you can prepare for the best!
Your social life may be busy at the start of the month, but work and health will gain focus as the month goes by. Communications will improve but you must avoid misunderstandings on the 7th, 18th and 25th. If life has been busy, you’ll relish slowing down and gaining more time for loved ones.
Get set to ring in a fresh chapter in your personal life and/or with family towards the 18th, when the partial lunar eclipse spotlights key people and projects that must come first in your life.
The Grown Alchemist Skin Health Prescription Kit is essential for Scorpio's slowing down and focusing on their health this month, both inside and out.