Tarot Card: The Devil
The Devil Card
Number 15 Of The Major Arcana
Rules By Capricorn
Keywords: Compassion, Liberation, Empowerment
This card comes forth when it is time to wildly embrace our shadow-side and accept ourselves as two parts (both dark and light) of one fully whole self. Embracing both these aspects of our personality is something many of us may not have experienced before. You begin with unconditional love and an open heart that accepts every part of your self.
The devil card can be considered medicinal, a card to begin again and create from. It fuels the mind with creative ideas and stimulates the imagination. Consider the devil card fertile soil, accessible through the shadow aspect of self. Sometimes this card can mean visiting depths of the self that you had sworn you would never revisit - so why is this card calling you back here again?
Usually it's to work through unfinished business and this card is providing an opportunity to deal with something old, in order to create something new again. The fertile soil of this card allows us to plant a new seed, a new idea, to begin again with this potent memory propelling us forward in its unique lesson.
Pulling this card reveals fear and it may just be the imagery of the devil, with forked tail and wings, that brings forth these feelings. There’s a lot of energy around addictions in the devil's work. This is because of the heaviness that addictive traits hold within the self and the guilt and suffering that comes with any story of addiction. The devil card is actually allowing us to shine a light on our addictions and discover that there is no shame in them. They are a part of our true nature and there is an opportunity to shift shame from our being through understanding and unconditional love of our shadow aspects.
This card is asking you to open up to your shadow. This openness allows you to share painful aspects of yourself, that might otherwise cause unrest if pushed back below. Remembrance of your struggles is integral in order to move on from them and this card allows painful or uncomfortable memories to resurface in order for them to be handled with kindness, love and understanding. Sit with this part of yourself and notice that it’s still you, not something external to you that you can let go of. It is in every way made up of your soul and dark or not, learn that every feeling is part of a unique human experience.
Allowing your heart to be with your shadow with full compassion is healing your story. Know that it’s a part of your unique journey to travel through both light and darkness. One does not exist without the other.
Your journey is about going past the ego, which creates small-minded, shameful beliefs around our shadows, and coming out the other side embracing our full selves (both dark and light). Here we find ourselves in a place of empowerment. Understand the work of this card is an inward journey to expand your self into a place of contentment as you let go of the heaviness of shame.
Sit with the following questions. Write your answers or dream them up:
When have I felt deeply seen through the eyes of love in my shadows?
Where can I show up more compassionately in this life time?
What am I truly striving to achieve for myself in this life?