Taurus September 2022
Uranus retrograde until January will provide the opportunity to go over old ground and to rebuild a sense of stability and security in areas that have been subject to most change over the past two years. In the process, you may need to undergo a minor readjustment.
Focus will be on your personal life, home and creativity, although the full moon on the 10th will spotlight your need to turn a corner in your status.
Stick to the facts, but avoid over-analysing emotions.
We recommend using a smudge stick to help create a space with a sense of peace, balance and stability. This Bhon Bhon Blossom Balance Wand is designed to promote balance in our life as well as the insight to move forward in joy and harmony.
Sage has been used for centuries to cleanse a person or space of unwanted energy and is considered to promote healing and wisdom.