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Monthly horoscope

Astrology Report

Find out what's in store for your star sign including the effects of lunar and planetary transitions and how they affect your business and personal life. Written by resident astrologist Patsy Bennett.

This month, you gain the opportunity to let go of aspects of your past that no longer... READ MORE
If you experienced an intense March, in April interactions could become less stressful... READ MORE
While Mercury ends its retrograde phase on the 8th, communications may not be at their best... READ MORE
Mars continues to provide you with the energy you need to feel motivated in your career and love life... READ MORE
If both work and your personal life have been slow or problematic, take things carefully... READ MORE
Aspects of your financial and shared responsibilities will benefit from focus...READ MORE
While your sign’s ruler Venus adds a romantic flavour to your love life in April,... READ MORE
Adventure beckons towards the end of April, as you embrace a sense of expansion....READ MORE
he new moon on the 28th will help you to turn a corner in your usual daily schedule... READ MORE
You may also be drawn to a new social or work circle as you grow and experience the need to expand.... READ MORE
As you’re increasingly drawn to step into new experiences, it’s in your interest to research and develop your ideas... READ MORE
You’ll notice a shift in your focus so be prepared to leave aspects of your past behind that no longer resonate.... READ MORE