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Monthly horoscope

Astrology Report

Find out what's in store for your star sign including the effects of lunar and planetary transitions and how they affect your business and personal life. Written by resident astrologist Patsy Bennett.

Keep your plans real; a little planning and strategy especially around the new moon on the 10th will help you to advance fresh ideas and developments.... READ MORE
The full moon on the 24th will spotlight wonderful opportunities to create a little stability and security either at home or in your career... READ MORE
You’ll gain a sense of adventure and optimism as the month progresses, and matters that have been stuck will move forward, enabling you to find the perfect platform for positive collaborations and relationships.. READ MORE
You’re moving into fresh territory in your relationships, both at work and at play... READ MORE
February is a good month to anchor your activities and relationships into a practical schedule, as this will provide the space to introduce a fresh dynamic in your daily routinet... READ MORE
This is an excellent time to reimagine both your work and your personal life. Consider making original and imaginative changes in your daily life ...READ MORE
This will be a good month to put practicalities first. And while this may sound less Zen and more boring than you’d prefer,... READ MORE
Be sure to keep an eye on your health and well-being, to avoid over-tiring yourself this busy month...READ MORE
The key to success now will revolve around your ability and willingness to be flexible with your personal arrangements. ... READ MORE
February is an excellent month to bring your focus back to your values and how to express these through your daily activities and priorities... READ MORE
The days after the new moon and super moon in your sign on the 10th will be ideal for initiating plans, but you must be sure you have the facts to avoid making mistakes... READ MORE
This will be a good month for getting your feet on the ground with your various chores and plans. A little innovation and imagination will go a long way... READ MORE