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Monthly horoscope

Astrology Report

Find out what's in store for your star sign including the effects of lunar and planetary transitions and how they affect your business and personal life. Written by resident astrologist Patsy Bennett.

Be prepared to see yourself, your status and general path from a fresh perspective as new or different responsibilities both financially and strategically will arise early already in 2024... READ MORE
You’ll gain the chance over time, beginning now in January, to build towards the outcomes you desire, such as more time for your favourite activities and people... READ MORE
Be sure to gain all the information you need to avoid mistakes as this could be a super-healing and productive time... READ MORE
You’ll gain insight into a personal or business relationship around the full moon on the 27th... READ MORE
Consider channelling excess energy into building a solid platform for yourself, as you’ll gain a strong foothold in a key area of your life as a result... READ MORE
Be sure to choose your social group and activities carefully. This is also a good month to build a solid work profile...READ MORE
Be decisive, as this will help you to be proactive about managing key changes affecting your relationships... READ MORE
You’ll feel more proactive and dynamic about moving some of your ideas forward regarding making changes regarding your home, a property or family situation...READ MORE
This is a good month to plan travel, fun activities and to improve your work and daily schedule... READ MORE
You are unlikely to be able to avoid change in any case, and so a dynamic and proactive approach to developments will be effective... READ MORE
If you feel vulnerable or undecided about your choices, be sure to engage your fail-safe superpower: being innovative... READ MORE
A fresh daily routine and a revitalised social circle in January will present the chance to improve your relationships. READ MORE