Lover is heart-opening, encourages passion, self-love, and nurturing love for others while maintaining healthy emotional boundaries. Love is a state of being. Mist around you, place your hands on your heart and breathe deeply. Visualise removing any barriers to receive and give love.
Each blend is created using high quality flower essences, plant extracts & essential oils that connect us to the wisdom, energetics & healing properties of plants. We do not use any synthetic fragrances in our products.
This blend is woody, warm & sweet like chocolate with a hint of rose.
Cocoa Bean: Rich and sweet, it invites warmth and comfort, creating a nurturing atmosphere.
Sandalwood (West Australian): Nurturing and deeply healing, it enhances meditation and supports emotional release.
Rose: Opens the heart, encouraging self-compassion and emotional release.
Tangerine: Uplifting and joyful, it enhances mood and encourages optimism.
Pink Yarrow Flower Essence: Supports emotional boundaries while promoting openness in relationships. It helps to balance heart energy, allowing for love to flow freely while maintaining a strong sense of self.